From the Pastor
Welcome to the St. Landry Catholic Church website! St. Landry Catholic Church is a traditional and welcoming Roman Catholic community dedicated to serving her parishioners and the local Opelousas community. Our primary service is to provide a place where people can come to know and love God in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This is done through the study of Sacred Scripture and practicing the traditions handed down to us, especially the practice of the seven Sacraments instituted by Christ. In coming to know and love Jesus by the acceptance and reception of His Grace, we are then empowered by Him to authentically serve the needs of others. This follows the two great commands given us by Jesus, to love God and our neighbor.
Our world is rapidly changing. Some changes are for the better, some changes are not, and some are a mix of the two. Our community attempts to provide practical ways to live the Truth revealed to us in the life of Jesus in these changing times, with the ultimate Hope of the salvation and eternal life promised by Jesus to all who live The Way He taught us. The eternal Truth of Christ does not change, and as mentioned above was summarized by Him simply as Love of God and neighbor. At St. Landry we attempt to teach and preach these two great commands not only in what we say, but in the way we live our lives.
St. Landry is committed to being active in our local community. We call upon our church community to reach out to the local community and to serve those in need with the resources we have. Currently, our church community serves in various ways the local Opelousas community, including providing for the hungry, children who are in need, homeless men, and homeless women and children through participation in and support of local charities. In this service, those who are in need teach us about Jesus and His Way!
We hope this website provides the information you need. We would love to meet you in person and get to know you better, and if able, to serve your spiritual needs. You are welcome to attend any of our church activities or simply stop by the office. Feel free to call and make an appointment with me or one of our deacons to learn more about our church community and to answer any questions you may have. May God Bless You in your spiritual journey!
Welcome to the St. Landry Catholic Church website! St. Landry Catholic Church is a traditional and welcoming Roman Catholic community dedicated to serving her parishioners and the local Opelousas community. Our primary service is to provide a place where people can come to know and love God in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This is done through the study of Sacred Scripture and practicing the traditions handed down to us, especially the practice of the seven Sacraments instituted by Christ. In coming to know and love Jesus by the acceptance and reception of His Grace, we are then empowered by Him to authentically serve the needs of others. This follows the two great commands given us by Jesus, to love God and our neighbor.
Our world is rapidly changing. Some changes are for the better, some changes are not, and some are a mix of the two. Our community attempts to provide practical ways to live the Truth revealed to us in the life of Jesus in these changing times, with the ultimate Hope of the salvation and eternal life promised by Jesus to all who live The Way He taught us. The eternal Truth of Christ does not change, and as mentioned above was summarized by Him simply as Love of God and neighbor. At St. Landry we attempt to teach and preach these two great commands not only in what we say, but in the way we live our lives.
St. Landry is committed to being active in our local community. We call upon our church community to reach out to the local community and to serve those in need with the resources we have. Currently, our church community serves in various ways the local Opelousas community, including providing for the hungry, children who are in need, homeless men, and homeless women and children through participation in and support of local charities. In this service, those who are in need teach us about Jesus and His Way!
We hope this website provides the information you need. We would love to meet you in person and get to know you better, and if able, to serve your spiritual needs. You are welcome to attend any of our church activities or simply stop by the office. Feel free to call and make an appointment with me or one of our deacons to learn more about our church community and to answer any questions you may have. May God Bless You in your spiritual journey!